Moving to HTML 5

Unibase has been updated to work with the latest browsers – Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Internet Explorer.

The biggest change comes from the fact that Firefox no longer supports the overflow style on tbody sections in tables. To maintain scrolling tables we have had to take a completely different (and to some extent traditional) approach which involves using Javascript to break a table into three tables and three divs to get the scrolling table effect.

Central to this approach was also the adoption of the jQuery Javascript library.

The other change is that Firefox no longer supports XUL in the same way.

Because of the changes to the layout of an application source the version of Unibase has been bumped to 19.

Changes to application layout:

  1. In the htm directory create subdirectories “js” and “css”.
  2. From /usr/local/lib, symbolically link “unibase.css” and “reset.css” to the “css” subdirectory.
  3. From /usr/local/lib, symbolically link “unibase.js” and “ub_input.js” to the “js” subdirectory.

Add to the application “inc” directory:

  • ln -s /usr/local/lib/bodyInit
  • ln -s /usr/local/lib/body
  • ln -s /usr/local/lib/init


In unibase-18.00 the typical way to start a web page is with ”. This has been replaced with the more correct jQuery technique. bodyInit has a body element, the reference to jquery.js (must be in body of document, not head), and the code to call ubinit. body is just the body element and jquery.js, while init is a stub you can include if there is other initialisation to be done once the document has loaded.

Scrolling tables, iframes, and divs should use these classes to get correct inline flow:

  • div: class=”scrollable inline-block”
  • iframe: class=”scrollable inline”
  • table: class=”scrollable inline-table”


xul is no longer supported for data access and will fail. The only recommendation is to rewrite the reports as standard html. Now a much easier task.