

ubmulti – data entry program


ubmulti -[A C* D F* L Q T Y* a b d e f* g* k* m* n s t* v] <screen>


Ubmulti is the UNIBASE full screen data editing and viewing program.

Ubmulti reads a screen file that tells it how data entry will take place. Screen files end in “.scn”, but this is not given when calling the program.

Screen files are similar to programs. They contain a description of the screen to be used. Descriptions consist of a layout per record and a set of attributes that modify the basic screen operation. Screen files are text that can be maintained using any text editor or word processor provided they are saved in ‘ASCII’ format. For details on the content and layout of screen files see screen (4).

Ubmulti normally works on Unibase format tables however the A, D, F, b, f and k flags may be used when ubmulti is maintaining text files.


-A Text file is in attribute format. Used in conjunction with -F.
-D Alternate date format. See -D in ubbatch (1) for details.
-F file text file is a text file to be edited or viewed as if it was a real table. NB. A definition for the table must be in the Data Dictionary. See WARNING below.
-L Suppress (don’t show) status line at top of screen.
-Q Disable QUIT key. Normally the QUIT key (CTRL\) will terminate a ubmulti screen. Using -Q will disable this feature. Use this when a user must complete a screen correctly and cannot be allowed exit except with the EXIT function key.
-T Trace all calculations.
-a Start screen in `add’ mode. The screen is used to add a new record. All options (ADD, CHANGE,DELETE) are turned off. This allows only a single record to be added.
-b When reading text fields for table, use UDF (Universal Dump Format) see ubatch (1) for details.
-d This gives a debug output. As ubmulti reads the Data Dictionary and screen format each line is echoed to the screen. In this way the exact point at which an error occurs can be observed and corrected.
-e Start screen in `edit’ mode. When used with “-m” ubmulti will load the matching record and place the user in edit mode. ie. as if EDIT (F2) has been pressed. If “-m” is not used this option has no effect.
-f separator text When reading text fields for table use separator as a field separator. Separator is a single character.
-g Geometry text This controls the screen geometry. It is used to choose a terminal type that is different from the default. The new terminal type is AT386-geometry. Suitable terminfo definitions will then set wide/narrow/long etc. screens. Ubmulti sends `is2′ at the start of the program (to set the screen) and `rs2′ at the end (to reset the screen).
-k key text When reading text files key is used for dump key to create new output file. When used with -m option, key is the table key to use when looking for value.
-m value text This option tells ubmulti to find value from the first key and display the record for editing. When you have finished with the record ubmulti will exit. This is useful for putting ubmulti into command files where one specific record is to be edited, eg. when printing invoices a particular order number may be edited prior to printing.
-n Print table network used by this screen. This is a map showing the paths used by ubmulti to find information in each table.
-s This option tells ubmulti to look for secondary files only, ie. no master file on the screen. For example this enables you to specify a list of debtors on the screen instead of the normal record by record approach. Similarly you could display a stock list on the screen.
-t field text Trace the calculations for `field’.
-v View mode. The screen cannot be used for any add/change/delete functions. This flag is passed down recursively when doing record expands.