

ubprompt – forms front end for shell scripts


ubprompt -[E H* I* L W* Q T a d i g* k# n s w*] <prompt>


The user fills in a screen form. When the form is completed the user can then select one or more function keys and execute the attached shell script or quit without execution.

Function keys can be programmed to execute the attached script and exit or return for further input.

The user interface consists of full screen form display, easy to use function keys, and pop-up context sensitive help messages.

The form fields are described by a data dictionary in the form. ubprompt can be used stand alone for any purpose, or through the foreeign key field it can interface directly to UNIBASE tables. The forms are stored as text in files whose name ends in ‘.prm’.

ubprompt can be used without any input fields, in which case a message is displayed and a shell script executed. It can also be used without a shell script so that it can be used simply for a message display and getting an ‘OK’ or ‘NOT OK’ response from a user.

An exit value of 0 indicates OK, 60 (UEQUIT) indicates quit and the shell script was not executed, anything else indicates failure or not OK.


-E Disable EXIT key (F10)
-H HTML Title string Text for the TITLE tag in the header section of an HTML document. i.e. the title shown on the title bar.
-I On web pages, put result of function key call in “id” of target division in HTML document. string id identifies the block element to be updated with the output of the http request.
-L Turn off STATUS line (date, time, user, etc) on top line of screen.
-Q Disable QUIT signal.

Normally ubprompt can be stopped by typing the key that generates a UN*X QUIT signal.

This flag disables this function.

-T Trace all calculations.
-W window string On web pages, put results of function key in target window.
-a Create an audit trail entry for every script executed.

When auditing, an environment variable UB_ADT contains the name of a temporary file. The script executed can write to this file and its content will be included in the audit trail as a message (see ubaudit(1) for details).

-d This gives a debug output.

As ubprompt reads the screen format each line is echoed to the screen. In this way the exact point at which an error occurs can be observed and corrected.

-i ubprompt is not interactive.

In this mode ubprompt will not attempt to draw a screen. Instead it will read its standard input for lines in the form <attribute>,<value> This flag is used by HTML forms to call ubprompt in a non-interactive manner.

-n Print table network used by this screen.

This is a map showing the paths used by ubprompt to find information in each table.

-s Display screen only.

Do not wait for input. If there is an execute section it will be executed immediately.


To debug a screen form called “date.prm”


ubaudit(1) prompt(4)