Tag: ubpr

  • ubpr


    ubpr – print files


    ubpr -[R T* b c l# m* n o# p r t# w# x* z] <files>


    ubpr is used to format text contained in file(s) for printing. It is similar to the Unix “pr” command but with different features.

    The options may appear in any order, but must appear before the file name.

    <P> <TABLE WIDTH=”100%” BGCOLOR=”#000000″> <CAPTION>COMMAND LINE OPTIONS</CAPTION> <TR><TD> <TABLE WIDTH=”100%” BGCOLOR=”#FFFFFF”> <TR> <TH>OPTION</TH> <TH>DESCRIPTION</TH> </TR> <TR> <TD>-R</TD> <TD> Raw processing. No output buffing is done. In this mode the last page is not padded to the page length. </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>-b</TD> <TD> “Binary” mode. Text is copied without interpretation. However lines are counted and the output is padded to output an exact page length on the last page. </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>-c</TD> <TD> Produces a table of contents displaying the starting line number and name of each module. </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>-I number</TD> <TD>’number’ is the page length in lines (default 66.)</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>-m module</TD> <TD>Print only the specified module from the file.</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>-n</TD> <TD>Do not provide line numbering.</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>-o offset</TD> <TD>Output is offset offset characters from left margin.</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>-p</TD> <TD>Reset page numbering on each module.</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>-r</TD> <TD>Add a carriage return (‘\r’) after each line.</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>-w width</TD> <TD> Set the width of a line to ‘width’ character positions. If a line is longer than the specified width, ++ is prepended to the next line followed by the remaining text of the current line. </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>-x file</TD> <TD> Extract module into file. The module given by -m will be extracted into the file file. </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>-z</TD> <TD> Convert octal 200 (decimal 128, hex 80) to 0 on output. This is used to put nul characters in output. </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </TD></TR> </TABLE> <P> A text file printed with ubpr will normally have a header and a footer line with the file name, module name, date, time, and page number. Six blank lines are inserted between pages for perforation skipping; each line is numbered; and lines longer than 124 characters are wrapped to the next line with “++” as the line number. There are 4 characters allowed for the line numbers and a 4 character space to the start of the printed text. <P> A file may be split into modules by using a C comment in this form: <PRE>/*mo* module*/</PRE> <P> N.B. there is only one space just before the module name. <P> Each module will start at the top of a new page. <P> A page break can be inserted using the C comment /*pa*/. <P> Both the module and page break markers must start in column 1 to be recognised. <P> <h2>EXAMPLE</h2> To print a file with maximum 8O characters per line: <PRE>ubpr – w8O filename</PRE>