::unibase::getflags {PROGRAM ARGUMENTS}
process command line arguments in a similar format to standard Linux commands.
This command adds command line flags to your program. Not however that every argument must have a flag. However not every flag has an argument.
The result of parsing the command line will be a number of variables in the ::UB_FLAGS namespace. These can then be used by your program.
PROGRAM | Name of your program. eg ubCreateCustomer |
ARGUMENTS | A Tcl list of Tcl dict defined flags and control values |
variable | Name of a variable that will be created in the namespace ::UB_FLAGS. |
flag | The flag that will set the variable. eg –customer |
type | The type of the value. either string, list, select, or boolean. Strings include numbers and require a value. Lists support multiple instances of the flag on the command line and the variable is a Tcl list of all the values. Select. Choose one of the valid options. Booleans. If present the value of the variable is set to 1, otherwise it will be 0. |
usage | A string to add to the USAGE message that is printed if there is an error. |
required | This argument is required. 1 – required 0 – not required If the variable is required but not present the USAGE message is printed and your program will exit. Default is not required and supplying this variable is optional. |
default | Default value if argument is a string or list. |
Your program must start by requiring the unibase package:
package require unibase
Next the dictionary is created. This stub shows how to add 4 variables to the command line flags
set FLAGLIST [list]
lappend FLAGLIST [dict create variable APPLICATION flag --application type string usage {<application name>} required 1]
lappend FLAGLIST [dict create variable CUSTOMER flag --customer type string usage {<customer name>} required 1]
lappend FLAGLIST [dict create variable EMAIL flag --email type string usage {<email>} required 1]
lappend FLAGLIST [dict create variable FINANCIAL flag --financial type boolean usage "" required 1]
lappend FLAGLIST [dict create variable TABLES flag --table type list usage {<table name>} required 0]
lappend FLAGLIST [dict create variable INTERPRETER flag --int type select options {bash,tcl} default tcl usage {<output format>}
Then you can call getflags:
::unibase::getflags ubCreateCompany $FLAGLIST
When it returns $::UB_FLAGS will be populated with your variables and their values.
You can refer to the variables as, eg, $::UB_FLAGS::CUSTOMER
Flags must start with at least one “-“. Otherwise they are interpreted as words.
Multiple flags can be defined for the same variable. For strings the last argument is the value.
Arguments not part of a flag are collected into a global list called ::UB_FLAGS::_GLOBAL
Lists of available options are given by the keyword “options”. A list is a comma separated list of valid values.
eg lappend FLAGLIST [dict create variable FORMAT flag –format type select options {tcl,bash} usage {} required 0 default tcl]
This adds the option –format with valid values “tcl” and “bash”. Any other value triggers an error message.
If required is 1 a valid value must be provided.
In this case a default value “tcl” is specified.
A note on Tcl dict
A Tcl dict is simply a collection of key/value pairs. A dict can be recursive – ie a value can also be a dict.
dict create is followed by the key/value pairs and returns the created dictionary.
Essentially a dict is an associative array, but easier to set up and maintain and a bit more flexible.
dict is well documented in the Tcl documentation and various tutorials.